"Tend the flock of God that is in your charge, exercising the oversight, not under compulsion but willingly, as God would have you do it—not for sordid gain but eagerly."
1 Peter 5:2

Deacons are ordained officers of the church who have pledged to care for our congregation. Deacons primarily minister to homebound Genevans, but their love and gift of caring extends to everyone in their parish and oftentimes beyond.
If you are in need of prayer, facing a financial crisis, are sick, hungry, have entered the hospital or need assistance of any kind, please reach out to deacon leadership. We’ll respond within 48 hours or less. Your communication is strictly confidential.

When you're in the Hospital
We care about you and want to support you in your time of need. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) prohibits the hospital from notifying the church if you are admitted. Please ask the nurse, hospital chaplain, friend or relative to call us at 949-837-2323 to inform the church of your admittance so we can offer you support and comfort.

How do I become a deacon?
We invite you to become a part of this very important ministry which plays such a crucial role in the life of Geneva. If you love to care for people and feel God is calling you to become involved, please call the church office at 949-837-2323 or email us at caring@genevapres.org.