“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:21
Online giving takes a few moments (see video below). Whether giving one time, setting up recurring donations or fulfilling your pledge, we are grateful.
Do you have a special talent or expertise which could help others? Don't keep it a secret. We would love to hear about it.

How To Give Online
General/Pledge: This money is used where it's needed most and is crucial to the daily operations of the church. 10% of the annual total goes towards supporting our mission partners.
Deacon's Fund: This discretionary money is used by the Deacons to help Geneva members and friends with emergency financial needs.
PC(USA) Special Offerings: The Presbyterian Church (USA)'s four church-wide Special Offerings (One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peace & Global Witness and Christmas Joy) help share Christ's love with millions of people around the world.
Donations made to the Geneva general fund go toward helping us provide a quality weekly worship experience, learning opportunities and ways for our community to connect with one another. Your contributions also help support our partnerships with local, national and international organizations to carry out the mission of God’s work.
Meet our mission partners by clicking on the photos below!